Celebrate with us, laugh with us, and cry with us as we pursue Christ, our Savior together.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Fun with Aunt Courtney!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Catching Up!
We still have almost five more days with my parents before they leave. It continues to be a wonderful visit and a time of joy with them celebrating the birth of Noah and playing with Karis non-stop, thanks Dad, as Karis always says, "Papa John, come play with me!"
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
The Big Day & Leaves!
Here are a few pictures of Karis and Justin's play day in the leaves. They had a great time yesterday, as you will be able to tell.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Baby Update: Only 5 days left!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Baby Update: 37 weeks

I went to the doctor yesterday for my 37 week check up. Everything is still good, and we have finally decided on a name for our son: Noah John Childers.
My husband wrote a wonderful prayer for our son. You can read it if you click on the link. Thanks for all your prayers and please continue to pray for me as I will be having a c-section.
Thanksgivng with the Tombrellas!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Baby Update: 35 weeks

Thursday, November 08, 2007
Big Bows and School!
We have also been doing what we call "school" about two to three times a week. She likes it very much and asked to do it more often than that. Usually we do something with numbers, talk about a letter and its sounds, use a certain color, etc.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Carving a Pumpkin!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Book Review: Love That Lasts

I recently finished reading Love That Lasts, when Marriage meets grace, by Gary & Betsy Ricucci. The book continually reminds us that marriage is about offering grace to your spouse. Grace is the only way that we can grow in Christ and together. Each chapter depicts a certain aspect of marriage. I will give a brief summary of each chapter.
Chapter 1:The Journey of a Lifetime (Where it all begins)- This chapter tells us what marriage is "Marriage was created by God and belongs to Him and exists for His glory."
1. "God's grace is constant everyday of our marriage."
2. The local church is vital for any marriage to grow. "It is the local church-Christians living a shared life biblically before God and one another-that will ultimately secure the place and role of marriage and family from generation to generation."
Chapter 2: Leading with Love (The Role of the Husband)-"We see in Adam and Eve that man and woman are equal in value, yet different in their roles of submission, ordination, and leadership, following the very pattern of the Godhead."
1."The role of the husband doesn't begin at the altar-it begins with the atonement...at the cross."
2. Husbands are to: love her graciously, love her sacrificially, love her redemptively, love her with understanding, and love her with honor.
3. Husbands are to lead their wives, this isn't just a position-it is a service husbands are to provide.
"Our role originates in the gospel, is empowered by the gospel, and is perfected through the gospel."
Chapter 3: Walking in Wisdom (The Role of the Wife)-
1. Here are some ways to cultivate a heart of love for our husbands: pray for him and with him, learn to understand him, communicate in ways that serve him, demonstrate physical affection to him, and enjoy shared activities with him.
2. We are to respect our husbands in public and private. There are practical examples of respectful thoughts and deeds we can do for him.
3.Great quote:"Submission is our divine calling, designed by God, not man!" When we submit joyfully to our husbands, we are being like Christ who submitted joyfully to his father.
Chapters 4-6 Deal with Communication and Conflict Resolution
All three of these chapters are gospel driven and based. We must be willing to forgive, to offer grace to our husbands. We must communicate with them about our desires, needs, and spiritual walks. We must be willing to humbly listen to their counsel, advice, and leadership about all these aspects of our lives. We must not let pride get in the way, which is the biggest temptation in marriage. We need to allow each other the freedom to probe and analyze our attitudes and motives in the light of God's grace and truth. The gospel must be the center of our resolution.
There are many practical examples of how to resolve conflict and check motives and attitudes.
"The gospel reminds us that nothing done to us, no matter how wicked, will ever surpass the wickedness done by us, to the holy Son of God."
Chapters 7-8 Deal with Romance and Intimacy
These two chapters are very practical about how to romance each other and the beauty of sexual intimacy. They provide us with examples of romance and intimacy straight from the Song of Songs and things that get in the way of both. I like how we are reminded that romance is something to be practiced and learned throughout your marriage. Dating each other is very important, and I am glad to have someone point out the necessity of it.
This book is a great read for any married couple or engaged couple. It offers Biblical and practical help on all the issues of marriage. I would strongly recommend this book to everyone.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Karis' Scooter
When you participate in the walk they have drawings for different prizes. Karis won a $25 gift card to Target. Justin and I took her to Target the next Monday and let her pick out a toy. She has never done this before and of course she picked out the first toy she saw, which was a toy for 6 months plus. She then decided she wanted a Dora scooter instead of a bike with training wheels.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Baby Update: 32 weeks

My check up went great today. The doctor said everything looks great and said that after I come back in three weeks it will be getting very close to time! Believe me, I know that!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fun Surprise!
Two weeks ago, Justin, Karis and I painted the baby room. I went to the YMCA to work out before we started and when I got home, Karis and Justin had painted me a message on the wall. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful, loving husband. As you can see, Karis left her mark on the wall, saying she was writing her name! Pictures of the baby room will be coming soon, I am still in the process of washing and getting things organized.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Our Painter!
Karis has recently been asking me everyday to paint. She has just really started enjoying it, especially when she uses her easel, like a real painter. She also gets excited about wearing her painter's shirt (one of daddy's old shirts).
Karis thinks that saying cheese means pursing her lips like that. Every time we take her picture she wants to look at it!! You can't see her painting creation, but I a sure that it was great!
Thanks Aunt Courtney for the easel!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Visit from the Tombrella's
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Happy 8 Year Anniversary!
God has been so good to us. I look back on the past eight years and cannot imagine life without Justin. It seems like just yesterday that we standing in front of God, our family, and friends and pledging our love and life to each other with Christ's help. The Lord has changed both of us so much since that day. He has continued to mold us into His image by His grace. Justin, I am so honored and blessed to married to a man who loves Christ most of all, who desires to see his wife and children grow in Christ and leads us with great joy and by example, who loves me beyond what I deserve, who can make me laugh, who holds me when I cry, who humbly gives me wisdom, who is such an amazing Father, and who leads our church in the power that Christ supplies. Thank you for all you do for me. I love you today more than ever. I cannot wait to see what the next eight years have in store for us.
My cry will continue to be, "Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together."
Psalm 34:3
Monday, October 01, 2007
Baby Update: 29 weeks

Karis and I went to the doctor today for my check up. She was very good and enjoyed hearing her brother's heart beat and weighing herself like Mommy. Everything is looking good. I go back in three weeks.
Weight gain-5 lbs, total 19 (it seems to be increasing a lot!)
Blood Pressure- 109/60
Thank you for all your prayers about this little boy. I can't believe I only have 10 weeks from today left until I meet our precious son, unless the Lord has other plans and he comes sooner.