Friday, February 02, 2007

One Week of Potty Training, Special Moment

I would say that Karis is potty trained. She knows when she has to go to the bathroom. We had three days with no accidents until yesterday when we were having so much fun playing that we forgot to use the potty until Karis said "tee-tee self." She then ran to the potty because she knew that she had wet herself. I am still using pull ups over her panties, even though I call them extra underwear. She doesn' t know the difference.
Potty training really isn't all that bad, so don't fret it. Remember in the big scheme of things that God is bigger than even potty training.
Yesterday at breakfast, Karis was being a little difficult. I had to take her to the bathroom and calm her down. When we set back down to eat, I started eating and she looked at me and said, "pray, Mommy." Our children really can teach us so much. It also allows us to see that our labor and teaching of them is not in vain.


laura said...

isn't it amazing how the Lord uses our children at times to minister to us? i am always so thankful when Bethany suprises me with comments like the one Karis made. you are doing a wonderful job raising Karis- what a great mommy you are!

ashley said...

it goes to show that she is learning good godly habits from her parents!