Saturday, February 17, 2007

Karis' Favorite Phrases and Words

I know that at times only mom's can understand what their child is saying. It seems that even at times, I don't know what Karis is saying, but here are some of her favorite phrases and words.


"whrestle, daddy"- wrestle daddy

"mommy goes," "nite, nite goes"- when someone leaves or she can't find her nite, nite(blanket she sleeps with.

"tee-tee self, nooo!"- this means we aren't supposed to tee-tee on ourselves

"read again"- anytime she wants to do something again

"Papa John, Texas"- my dad, she knows he is in Texas

"Hannah, Lori, Jonathan"- the Brooks family, if any are mentioned she says them all in this order back to us

"flo lyin fly"- it all sounds like one word, it is the name of one of her Hermie dvds that she loves to watch

"ray-ray"- we sometimes watch Racheal Ray on TV

"God's Wurd"- and points to the Bible


"nilk"- milk

"lu-cy"- she calls Calvin, our dog, Lucy when she is making fun of him, Lucy is Courtney, Justin's sister's dog

"yo-yo"- yogurt

'blessing"- every night before bed, Justin reads her a blessing, except now she thinks she has to have one read to her even before naptime

"playtoe" - playdough

I am sure there are many more than this, so I will add on as I think of them.


Lori said...

"Playtoe" is my favorite! So cute. I am always torn between sad and happy when Hannah learns to correctly say something she has said wrong (in a cute way) for so long.

laura said...

does she remember Bet (bethany)? i agree with Lori about being sad at times when beth can pronounce things correctly- but that's why we write them all down, since we're such great mommies, right?? haha. i'm so behind on writing down things for these two precious girls!
sarah jane now calls bethany "Beeeee!"