Monday, May 21, 2007

Watering the Flowers

One of Karis' favorite things to do in the afternoon is help Daddy water the flowers. I am usually not feeling very well by the time Justin gets home from work, so he takes Karis outside with him while he waters the flower beds. She in turn gets to water my two potted plants, mostly watering the steps, but she has a lot of fun doing it.

Karis is gently watering my daises.

Look at how good her Daddy has taught her to water mom's favorite flowers!

Here is where she is watering more of the steps than the flowers.
What a joy it is to watch Karis grow. Just like flowers need water to live, Karis needs us, as her parents, to nurture her in God's Word. We are to train, discipline, and pour love out to her to teach her God's grace everyday. I cannot imagine life without Karis, and I am so excited to see what God has in store for us with the new creation He is growing in me right now. Children really are a blessing from the Lord!


The Bente Family said...

What a great Daddy's Lil Helper. Hope you start feeling better. ;)

laura said...

i'm so impressed with your flowers!! i have to tell my mama- she'll be so proud of you too!