We also got Karis a new chest er drawer. It is nice, and she likes it. We put up a wall of family photos at her level so she can see all our family often. When we get the baby room painted and set up, I will post pictures. We are having a garage sale on Saturday so after that we will be able to paint the room and get things organized.
Celebrate with us, laugh with us, and cry with us as we pursue Christ, our Savior together.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Karis' Big Girl Room!
When my mom and dad came, my mom brought the letters she painted and decorated to match Karis' new bedroom. I was so proud of my mom, neither one of us are very creative or crafty, but she did a great job!
We hung the letters up above Karis' new big girl bed. Mom did an outstanding job not making them too girly!
This is Karis' new bed and quilt that her Aunt Courtney made for her. I really like it because it is pink and not too girly, hence no BIG flowers!
Monday, September 24, 2007
The County Fair
We took Karis to the county fair with my parents on Friday night. Here are some pictures of our very fun time!
Karis had a great time feeding the goats, but she was very scared of this intrusive camel. Anytime the camel got close, she would move away from feeding the goats.

Karis finally bent down and feed the goats by herself, as soon as Papa John held the camel back! Thank goodness for Papa John!!
Amma and Daddy had to ride all the rides with Karis because I couldn't. Karis enjoyed riding the train with Amma.
You don't get much sweeter than this smile sitting by Amma!
We got to see the pig races while we were there. They gave Karis a hat to wear. She was very patient while we waited for the races to start. We saw a pig race, a duck race, and a goat race. It was a neat experience.
The last ride that Karis rode was the elephant ride with Amma. She is beaming here. My little one likes to ride rides like her Mommy. Maybe next year I will be able to ride with her. We had a great time, and Karis really loves having her Papa John and Amma here to play with. The funnel cake and apple jacks were pretty good too!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Papa John and Amma's Visit
Tuesday, my parents arrived around lunch time. Karis was so excited that she made a bee line for Papa John to give him a BIG hug and tell him that she loves him. It was so cute to see her be so excited to see them. I was so thrilled to see them both, and I know that they were glad to finally be here and not in the car. I know that God has truly blessed me with parents who love me, or they wouldn't drive so far to see me. After they arrived, we ate lunch and rested a bit. We went out to eat at Texas Steakhouse for my mom's and my birthday that night.
Karis, Justin, and I (see Laura I am pregnant, I do have a pouch!)
Karis is getting ready to throw the ping pong balls in the buckets.
On Wednesday, we just hung out at home and let Karis play with her grandparents. She wouldn't let Papa John out of her sight! Thursday, we took Karis to Chunk (Chuck) E. Cheese for the first time. She didn't want anything to do with the mechanical mouse, but she did have fun playing games. Justin and I had a lot of fun playing games too!!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Fun with Hannah Part II
Yesterday Hannah came over to play for awhile so Lori could get some painting done at the new house. We had a fun day of going to the park, playing hide and seek (Karis and Hannah played by themselves, it was a sight because they both hid in the same place every time.), playing doctor, and most of all, playing dress up. I was never very much of a girlie girl, but I did like dressing up in my mom's old dresses and shoes. Karis very much likes to wear her dress up dress while she just plays in her room. I was thankful that I had two outfits, Hannah of course picked the "cinderbella" one and Karis the pink one.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Having Fun with Hannah Part I
Last Friday, Hannah got to come over and play with Karis while Jonathan and Lori went to Raleigh to sign papers to buy their house. We had a fun day at the park, so much fun, that we had to take a bath when we got home because Karis decided to throw sand on Hannah! Right now, Karis and Hannah are playing together again, this time they have been playing dress up and doctor. I will post about that later. Here are some pictures from the park.
Karis and Hannah swinging, well, I'm pushing them. They both kept saying, "higher please."
It started getting hot, as you can see the sweat on them, so they decided to pick up pine cones. It was really funny watching them try to beat each other to a certain one.
I am so glad that Karis has a friend to play with. They have such different personalities, but for two almost three year olds, they do play pretty well together, only a few minor bruises! I am so thankful that God has brought the Brooks here. Karis said today that "Mommy and Hannah are my best friends." What a joy that I too get to be her best friend.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Baby Update: 26 weeks

Weight gain: 4 pounds, total 14 pounds
Blood Pressure: 106/60
Baby heart beat: 142
I scheduled my c-section for Monday, December 10. It is a exciting to know that unless our little boy decides to come soon, that I don't have to wait another whole week to have him.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Sweet Fellowship
Tuesday night, I was honored to lead a Bible study about prayer at our monthly Grace Group Meeting. Our Grace Groups are groups of women who meet monthly to learn more about God and His Word together. I have been privileged to lead this group for a few months now. On the drive home, Lori and I talked about how unique and special this time is for us. We are both so blessed just by the comments of the women in our group. Every woman has a love for Christ and His Word, and all the comments are so helpful.
The Lord has truly blessed Christ Baptist Church with woman who love Him, love their husbands, and strive to teach their children of Him daily.
Thank you for this, Lord. I am so blessed to have woman who desire what God has ordained for them with joy and anticipation for the future! I pray that God will only continue to knit us all together as His beloved children.
The Lord has truly blessed Christ Baptist Church with woman who love Him, love their husbands, and strive to teach their children of Him daily.
Thank you for this, Lord. I am so blessed to have woman who desire what God has ordained for them with joy and anticipation for the future! I pray that God will only continue to knit us all together as His beloved children.
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