Monday, March 05, 2007

Girl Time!!

Justin is heading to the Shepherd's Conference in California tomorrow. Karis and I are very excited about having girl time! I am not one who really likes to be alone, so I am very thankful that I now have a little girl to spend my time with. We will be really busy while Justin is away. I have my calendar full of play dates, Bible Study Fellowship, Women's Ministry Bible study at my house, a special dinner guest one night, and a girl's night on Friday. When Saturday roles around, I will be very excited to go pick up Justin from the airport, and I know that Karis will be ready to "wrestle daddy." She will say to me everyday, "Daddy goes." That is her way of saying someone or something is not here. It is so cute. Please pray for me while Justin is gone, and please pray for him as he soaks up Biblical truths to help shepherd Christ Baptist Church.

"Here Daddy-O you can take my monkey with you!"
Karis looks so cute in the dress her Grammie and Pop Pop gave her.


laura said...

beth always packs books in her daddy's suitcase when russ leaves- then he reads them to her over the phone- it's so sweet! i will pray for your girl time. enjoy it- you can sleep sideways in the bed without an earplug! wooo hoooo! i always say i'm going to sleep great when russ is gone and i wake up all night. hubbies are good to have around.

The Taras' said...

Your schedule looks like mine! LOL! I am thankful that our husbands can get away and get equipped for the weekend! I only wish that I could be a fly on the wall and be able to hear all of that great teaching!

Laura, I can never sleep well either when my husband is away! But I think its just because its different....I am hoping that this time I will be so busy by the time my head hits the pillow- I'll be able to stay asleep all night! Plus Im putting my little one in bed with me. Thats always special when Daddy is away!