Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Children's Programs

We, at Christ Baptist Church, are about to start some type of children's program on Sunday nights. We are going to start meeting at the school for Sunday nights in a few weeks. I am very excited about this, but I am still trying to figure out what curriculum we are going to use with the children. Does anyone have any suggestions? Since I am the children's director, in theory, I need to figure out along with the help of some of our other members what would be the most beneficial as far as the children learning God's Word. Our children ages range from 2 and up. I really desire for this time to meaningful and fun.
I am open for suggestions. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Hi - I clicked over from Lori's blog :)

Doorpostshas some good stuff

as well as Children Desiring God

and this book, Big Truth for Little Kids, is an excellent, fun way to tell stories and teach Catechism

God bless!

laura said...

ok, you know i always have an opinion on curriculum... Beth and I are using a book right now called My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God's Word in Little Hearts by Susan Hunt. It's basically a verse for every letter of the alphabet (ie. A= A soft answer turns away wrath, B= Blessed are the peacemakers...) after the memory verse there is an explaination for the "hard words" that we don't use very much (like wrath) and then a story about a brother and sister applying the verse in everyday life. You could tie this in with a Bible story as well (using your Bible Storybook, or another such version)- I am using this as our memory verse collection for homeschool right now- it's an inexpensive book and you'd use it at home too. Might not be what you're looking for, but it's a great book. Doorposts is a great resource as well to find stuff- might also want to look at the BSF stuff they send home with Karis. I LOVED that the kids didn't "do" a craft to take home- but rather work together and really learn Bible. (it also cuts down on the "paperwork" at the house!! love you!

The Marshall's said...

Very neat and small world. I was looking at profiles of People that liked Karen Kingsbury and saw that you were from the church that we attend now. God Bless!