It would be hard to be a part of the Childers' family and not enjoy reading. Justin and I are avid readers. Karis is inheriting this trait easily as she really enjoys us reading to her and just looking at her books by herself. If it gets quiet in the house, I know where to find her. She is usually on the floor with all her books around her looking at them. She is so funny to watch because now she knows some of the words on each page from us reading it to her over and over.
This picture is from last year when we first moved to Wilson. I just love the expression on Karis' face. It is typical Karis.
Today is the fourth full day of potty training and so far today we have had no accidents. I think I came up with a grand idea, but maybe someone else already thought of it. On Saturday, we went to the neighbors for a party and I put Karis is panties and plastic panties over them. Of course she had an accident. I thought, what am I going to do for church in the morning. I decided to put her panties on and a pull up over it. It worked really well because she doesn't know that a pull up is really a diaper. She thinks it is extra panties over her other ones. It has worked really well so far. We shall see. We will press on to being a BIG GIRL!