Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Little Girl is Five!

Five years ago, I held you in my arms for the first time after a long crazy day of labor and then a c-section. I was the last one to get to hold you because of my recovery from the surgery, but after I held you for the first time, I was lost in love for you. I love the way you include and play with your brother. I love to watch you think as you do school and how you always have to have everything in the right place. You are a little ocd when it comes to that, I don't know where you got that from?! When you smile it is genuine, and when you talk, you have something important to say. You are not the most talkative person, and I pray God will use that to allow you to be wise in your words and speech to others. My life is enriched and better because of you. I love being your mom and teaching you about our Savior.
My little girl has is growing up:

Karis almost five.

Karis' 4th birthday.

Karis' 3rd birthday!

Karis' 2nd birthday.

Karis' 1st birthday.
Karis, I pray that in the next 5 years, God will reveal Himself to you and cause you to trust in Him. I look forward to seeing how God grows you and teaches us both in the next 5 years. I love you my girl! You are a joy and blessing to us!


Anonymous said...

what sweet and true things you have spoken about karis. we love your family--tess

BoldLion said...

Karis is so bless to have you as a wonderful parent!

Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion

SK said...

Happy birthday to a sweet and pretty little girl. She is getting so big.

The Bente Family said...

I cannot believe how fast they grow, it is a little sad, but to see them flourish is the most precious gift!! Happy Birthday Karis!!!