Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lions and Cougars and Bears OH MY!!!

Last Monday, we took our first "field trip" to the zoo. It has been almost three years since we went last time because I was pregnant with Noah. The weather was a bit warm, but the time we had was incredible. The kids got up early, ate their breakfast in the car and spent the next two hours in the car in sweet peace. Once there, the journey of walking, walking, and more walking began.

When we arrived in the park, the first thing we saw was a poster with "bigger than life" Dora and Diego. The zoo had a 4-D show playing featuring the duo.

We then proceeded to travel through Africa, seeing lions, bears, birds, and many other beautiful animals.

The kids got to sit in a helicopter and play like they were flying over Africa.

Family photo!

Ostrich eggs are BIG, so BIG that Noah fit in one!! (not really!)

The zoo has a bug playground, and Karis is sliding down the leaf!

This photo needs no words.

My two little bears.
And finally, a collage with all the animals we saw. I didn't think it would be very smart to put all 200 pictures we took. God's creatures are so intricately made, some so strange looking but all made for His glory.

1 comment:

The Bente Family said...

Ha! That look on NOah's face is such a Jeanna look!! {Classic!}