Thursday, June 16, 2011

Big Shoes to Fill....

As I grow, I hope I will realize what a treasure I have in my Daddy.
Right now, he is my favorite playmate, disciplinarian, pastor, and best friend.
As the years go by, I will witness his integrity, love, patience, trust, care, discipline, open arms, and most of all his "love for the Savior."

These shoes I wear now are way too big, but my Mom prays that as I am lead by my Daddy, that I will grow into a man who "loves the Savior with all my heart," a man just like YOU!

Happy Early Father's Day Dad!

Thank you for your faithful leadership, love, and for always making me feel important and loved.

1 comment:

BoldLion said...

I am praying for you, Noah! Noah is so bless to have Justin as his wonderful Daddy and Jeanna as his wonderful lovely Mom too!

Your children are so special! Thank you for teaching them Christ! I will continue to be praying for Karis and Noah!

Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion