Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gospel-Powered Parenting Part II

I finished Gospel-Powered Parenting, by William P. Farley last week. I have been thinking about how much this book has encouraged, convicted, and spurred me on in my relationship with God, my husband, and my children. The only justice I can do to the book is to give you some more quotes that impacted me.

"Those who fear God discipline their children, they teach them, they set a godly example for them, and they lavish love on them." (p. 103)

"The most important example that parents possess is their marriage." (p. 106)

"God created the most intimate human relationship, marriage, to speak of the intimacy of his relationship with his church." (p. 110)

"The message that our marriage preaches either repels or attracts our children." (p.111)

"So our attempts to live the gospel expose our failings, which in turn amplifies our humility, which in turn makes us attractive to our children. The gospel is the good news that our children do not need perfect examples. They need humble examples." (p.119)

"Temper tantrums, arguing, and failure to accept correction are the result of plain old-fashioned sin." (p.149)

He gives very practical advice on how to discipline with eight steps to use, which are very helpful. Farley gives examples of teaching opportunities and how to respond to your children with the gospel.

This book draws the gospel into our daily lives, which is what the Bible says we are to do. I am thankful for the book, but most of all, I am thankful for the gospel that continues to give me the grace to discipline, train, love, and shepherd my children's hearts. I will end with this quote that encompasses the whole book.

"Your children need to watch you continually shedding your guilt and fear at the cross." (p.219).

Thank you Jesus, for saving me and allowing me access to the cross through your sacrifice on the cross. Oh that Karis and Noah would see their need for YOU!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Very sweet blog, I'll have to check out that book. I'm new to blogger.
My blog is Kristina's Perspective.