At 2:00 pm nine years ago, Justin and I stood before our family and friends and pledged to love, honor, cherish, and serve each other only by God's grace for the rest of our lives on earth. I am so thankful for how much the Lord has grown both of us in these last years.
I love Justin more everyday, I love the way he loves me and challenges me to know and love Christ more, I love the way he teaches and loves our children, I love serving along side him as he shepherds the flock the Lord has given him, but most of all, I love the way He loves Christ in all things. The passion that Justin had for Jesus is what made me fall in love with him ten years ago and that has not diminished at all, in fact, it has only grown stronger.

Our engagement picture, nine years ago! Wow, don't we look like babies, oh yeah, we were. We were both only 20 at the time of this picture.

Today we are older, have two beautiful children, and are more in love than ever. Love really does grow stronger with time. I can't imagine a day without Justin. I love you and cannot wait to see what the next nine years hold for us.
Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together.
Psalm 34:3