Monday, September 07, 2009

Diet Coke Free!

I am now officially diet coke free for one week. I did have one last night with my pizza, but I only had one. It was a little hairy for a few days, the headaches were terrible, but God was gracious and gave me strength, plus a little Tylenol helped. It is not the caffeine that bothers me, it is the sweetener. I have also found that I am not as hungry in the middle of the day when I only drink water and unsweet tea. I am so glad to be free from this and feel much better, no more headaches. God is good, even in the small things!

1 comment:

BoldLion said...

YEAH! Good for you!

We all need to be hungry to eat His Word which is far better than others.

I am happy that water and unsweet tea does the job for you.

I do drink sweet tea and unsweet tea too.

Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion