I have really been struggling the last few weeks in having joy in all situations and all during my day. I searched the Bible for verses with the word "joy" in them, and God pointed out some sins to me and encouraged me with His Word. Here are a few things I was reminded and learned about joy:
1. Joy comes from being in God's presence-
"in your presence there is fullness of joy" Ps. 16:11
"you make him glad with the joy of your presence" Ps. 21:6
2. Joy comes in the morning-
"but joy comes with the morning" Ps. 30:5
This really convicted me to get up earlier to have an unhurried time with the Lord before my children wake up. Lately, I have felt rushed in my time, and it causes me to already not be joyful because my time was interrupted. This also goes with point 1 because if I don't have an unhurried time with Him, than I am not resting in His presence.
3. God should be our "exceeding joy."
"to God of my exceeding joy" Ps. 43:4
4. Joy comes from praising God.
"Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous." Ps. 35:27
5. God's creation shows us joy.
"beautiful in elevation is the joy of the earth" Ps. 48:2
"you make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy." Ps. 65:8
"The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills girl themselves with joy" Ps. 65:12
6. God's Word should be the joy of my heart.
"Your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart." Ps. 119:111
Wow, I was so reminded of how joyless I can be when things are not going the way I think they should be. Who am I question anything when even the creation sings for joy to the Lord! I am so much better than I deserve, thank you Lord for reminding me of my need to be in your presence all the time. I will not exude joy if I have not spent time with my Savior.